Tuesday, June 29, 2010

40 Weeks

So our due date has come and gone!  I have to admit, I've had a fairly easy and comfortable pregnacy the entire 40 weeks.  I thought for sure, my back would hurt a lot more than it has.  I only had a few days where I experienced constant backache.  I still don't feel like I dropped, so I probably won't until labor begins.  Since I haven't dropped, I have not caught myself waddling either.

Father's Day was last Sunday, June 20th.  And if you did not know this little fact, it was the 100th anniversary from the start of when Father's Day was first celebrated, which was back on June 19, 1910.  Craig went golfing in the morning while I went to church with my parents.  I gave Craig a Kodak Playsport pocket camcorder so he can improve his golf swing.  Well, also, so he can capture some of those precious baby moments when I'm not around.  He never had his golf swing videotaped, so he had fun playing and testing it out.  We also went into our pool for a bit with it since it is waterproof up to 10ft.  The water was like bath water, it was so warm!!!  I haven't gone in yet this summer because I've been afraid of not being able to get out, but Craig made sure that I had a way out - I just climbed out off of him.  I then slaved in the kitchen making homemade burgers (with carmelized onions), potato salad, and corn on the cobb for a Father's Day cookout.  Everything was so good!!!

Last Monday, I went in the pool again with my mom. I might as well do it while I can since I won't be able to do it for a few weeks after giving birth. It was nice just floating around on the raft and showing my tummy some sun.  My friend Jo and I went out to dinner last Monday night at the Dancing Peppers restaurant.  I got to see Drew before heading out with her and he is such a doll!  What a handsome little angel!

So, my cat must know there is a huge change happening in the house.  All of a sudden, he is scared of going in his litter box and we are trying to get him reacquainted.  He finally went in his litter box two Sundays ago.  The last time before then was 4 days prior.  I ended up taking him to the vet lastTuesday and his urine test came back negative, so they assume it is all behavioral issues.  Hopefully, we can get this straightened out soon.  It's very frustrating.  First, he was throwing up, then he was avoiding his litter box.  We are constantly keeping an eye on him now... I wish cat's weren't so sneaky!

My 13th prenatal appointment was scheduled for Wednesday, but moved to Thursday.  I gained one pound from my last appointment 10 days ago.  My BP reading was 109/76, my uterus measured 39cm, and the baby's heartrate was in the 130s.  They checked my cervix for the first time as well.  I am 1cm dilated, but unfortunately, 0% effacement.  It's still pretty thick and the doctor suggested walking some to help bring on labor.  Whether I deliver naturally, have to be induced, or have a c-section, we will have this baby within the next 2 weeks regardless.  My mom was late with all 4 of her kids.  I believe she said that she was anywhere from 7 days to 12 days late.  So we shall see if I follow in her footsteps.

It's hard to say for sure how big our baby will be, but the average newborn weighs about 7 1/2 pounds (a small pumpkin) and is about 20 inches long. The skull bones are not yet fused, which allows them to overlap a bit if it's a snug fit through the birth canal during labor. This so-called "molding" is the reason our baby's noggin may look a little conehead-ish after birth. Rest assured — it's normal and temporary.

Below is a picture of me at 40 weeks along with a picture taken in the pool on Father's Day around 39 weeks.

40 Weeks