Saturday, June 19, 2010

39 Weeks

Well, I'm still updating my blog, so as you can see, no baby yet.  We have one more week until our due date (this is our last weekend before then!).  Recently, I found out that June 26 (our due date) is the actual date in June in which the full moon occurs!  We shall see if it will have any effect whatsoever on my pregnancy.

My 12th prenatal appointment was Monday (it was supposed to be Wednesday, but last week they called and had it moved).  When I arrived with my mom, they said the doctor is busy with a delivery and it will be about an hour wait.  So, I took my mom to give her a tour of where I would be delivering so she knows where to go when it does happen.  When we got back to the office 15 minutes later, they just had me see the nurse practitioner instead.  Typically, I'm only supposed to see the OB after 36 weeks, but since I wasn't having anything going on yet, I figured it would be o.k.  I gained 2 pounds just since Wednesday!!!  I'm now up a total of 38 pounds!  My blood pressure reading was 108/72.  My uterus measured at 37 1/2 and the baby's heart rate was averaging around 152.  Everything seems to be going well thus far.

Our baby's waiting to greet the world! He/she continues to build a layer of fat to help control his/her body temperature after birth.  It's likely the baby already measures about 20 inches and weighs a bit over 7 pounds, a mini watermelon. (Boys tend to be slightly heavier than girls.) The outer layers of the skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath.

On Thursday, we went to visit Eileen and her baby.  Even though the baby seems small since it's a newborn, I couldn't help but imagine that I have someone in me about that size and I'm going to be ejecting it soon...ouch!  Alana is soooo adorable though!  I'm looking forward to our baby's play dates with Alana.  Eileen looks fantastic too for giving birth just 3 weeks ago!

Friday night, I drove up to Baltimore to visit Briana.  We first went to get our toes painted and then tried to go eat at Lemongrass in Baltimore, but apparently, it was closed.  I wonder if it closed for good??  There was no notice on the door.  But it worked out for the better, because we went and tried a new restaurant called the Blue Hill Tavern.  And let me just say, that place is AMAZING!!!!  We tried the cheese plate, a couple bowls of soup, their yummy breads, and a crab cake meal.  Oh, and of course, we had to try their dessert since we were so impressed with everything else.  Wanna know what we had??  It was called the Candy Bar and it had chocolate genache, caramel, peanut butter, ice cream, pretzels, and some marshmallow cream.... OH MY GOSH, was it amazing!!!  They have their own pastry chef - it's no wonder it was as good as it was!!  I couldn't believe how much I can still eat this late in pregnancy!!  I was nice and saved Craig one of my crab cakes for him to try and he had it for lunch today as a crab cake sandwich.  And he admitted too, that it was phenomenal.  So, if you get the chance to try out this restaurant, please do.  The waitstaff and management were super nice and attentive.  They went on to say it is a kid friendly place and I should come back and bring the baby.  Oh, how I want to go back!

Tonight, Craig and I tried to go to the movies and watch The Karate Kid.  They were sold out for the showing we wanted, so we decided to buy tickets to the next show in an hour and then eat at DuClaw to pass time.  After we ate, we made it over to the movie theater and even though we were 20 minutes early, there was a line that apparently started an hour ago to get into the theater.  It was a sold out showing and a bunch of little kids.  So by the time we made it in, the only 2 seats that were available together were up front.  So, we proceeded to Guest Services and claimed I wasn't feeling well and they gave us a voucher.  We just didn't finish the sentence... I wasn't feeling well about sitting up front with so many little kids behind us acting up when we are trying to enjoy a moment without a kid while we have the opportunity.  There won't be many opportunities like that happening soon, will it?  So we decided to watch a Blockbuster movie tonight instead....Sherlock Holmes.

Below is a picture of me at 39 weeks, a picture of Eileen and Alana, and pictures of Briana and I.  Poor Alana was fussing at the time - hence her red face.  I am done doing anymore bare belly shots.  The stretch marks are not fun to look at and the belly is not really growing too much more between now and delivery anyway.  I had to add the two Baileys at the end (both our cat and dog).  They are anxiously awaiting the baby too.  We are trying to kick the cat's habit of trying to sleep in the crib or the bassinett.  We tried placing foil in the bassinett, but he would move it aside and then curl up under the hood.  So then, we placed a doll in the bassinett and we haven't seen him in there since, but he still likes to jump in the crib at times when we aren't watching.

39 Weeks