Tuesday, June 29, 2010

40 Weeks 3 Days - update

I had my 14th prenatal appointment today.  I am STILL 1cm dilated and 0% effaced.  Can you believe that?  My cervix just does not want to start ripening to let this little one out!  My weight is up another pound and I have officially gained 40 pounds now this pregnancy!  My blood pressure reading was 110/75.  I had a nonstress test done today to track the baby's heartrate and body movements and it took an hour of being hooked up to the machine before they were satisfied with the baby's movements.  I have a biophysical ultrasound scheduled for this Friday which will run all sorts of tests including the amniotic fluid level, the growth of the baby, the breathing, etc.  If we do not deliver over the weekend, I have my next and final prenatal appointment set up for Tuesday afternoon with an induction that will be scheduled for that Wednesday.  Maybe we'll have ourselves a little firecracker baby and suprise everyone this weekend!