Monday, April 26, 2010

31 Weeks

In just two short months, our lives will be changed forever!  I can't believe how fast the time has flown by!  We are so blessed to have so many wonderful friends and family.  I hope they are just as ready as we are for this little joy to enter our lives.  We can't wait!  Well, maybe Craig can wait a little bit longer so he can improve his golf game!  By the way, Happy 35th anniversary mom and dad!!!  It is through your dedication, love, and support that has molded such a strong family tie and I only hope that Craig and I will be just as successful!

This week, our baby measures over 16 inches long and weighs about 3.3 pounds and is heading into a growth spurt. He/she can turn their head from side to side, and the arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath the skin. The baby is moving a lot more now, and pretty soon, I may have trouble sleeping because of the baby's kicks and somersaults that will keep me up at night. All this moving is a sign that our baby is active and healthy.

Saturday night was my friend Jenny's birthday party.  She had quite a few people there and of course lots of good food!  It was also nice to see Sarah, Juan, and Pam again.  Come December, I plan to go make homemade icewine at Sarah's house in Pennsylvania with Jenny and Pam.  I can't wait to have a glass (or bottle of that!!).  Even though I will be breastfeeding, there is a such thing as "pump and dump", right? 

Yesterday was my baby shower!!!  It was so nice to see all the friends and family that came to welcome the new addition to our family!  It was a memorable "birthday party" for our little one.  Although we are not finding out the sex, we received so many cute and adorable gender neutral items and gear!  Everyone who hosted the party did such a fantastic job on everything!  It was so much more than I expected!!  We feel so blessed and loved!  I'm going to be busy now in the next couple weeks doing a lot of laundry and organizing!  But somehow I am not going to mind it!  I wonder why?  I can't wait until our baby furniture arrives so we can finally make the nursery complete!

Last night, I woke up at 2AM to use the restroom which has been pretty routine throughout my pregnancy to have to pee sometime in the middle of the night.  However, this time, I could not fall back asleep for the life of me.  By 4:30AM, I was still wide awake and the birds have been chirping nonstop since the rain stopped earlier in the night.  I started to get hungry now, I went downstairs to have a light snack (some cottage cheese and pineapple).  I went back to bed and still could not fall asleep.  I think I finally drifted off around 6AM and by 7AM, the alarm went off for Craig.  I continued to lay in bed but still not falling back asleep.  I finally concluded that my time was up on trying to sleep and decided to get out of bed around 8AM.... I hope this is not going to continue.  It was quite annoying!

Below is a picture of me at 31 weeks.  Baby shower pictures will follow in a separate post since I do not have those available just yet and could not wait any longer to post this already "overdue" update.

31 Weeks