Monday, April 19, 2010

30 Weeks

We have made it to the final 10 weeks now!  That means we are 3/4 of the way there!  I am now on bi-weekly appointments with my doctor.  So far everything is still going well.  We are patiently waiting for our nursery furniture to arrive which should be arriving anytime within the next month.

I had my 6th prenatal visit on Thursday.  Everything checked out fine.  My blood pressure came back at 115/73.  My weight gain was 2 pounds in the last 3 weeks which puts me at a total of 23 pounds for the pregnancy so far.  The length of my uterus measures 30cm and the baby's heartbeat is in the 140s.  My next visit is in two weeks.

Our baby is estimated to be about 15.7 inches long now, and weighs almost 3 pounds (like a head of cabbage). A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds the baby, but that volume will decrease as the baby gets bigger and takes up more room in my uterus. The baby's eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after he/she's born, the eyes will be closed for a good part of the day. When the baby does open them, he/she will respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision — which means the baby can only make out objects a few inches from their face. (Normal adult vision is 20/20.).  Hopefully, the baby will inherit Craig's vision!

Saturday, Craig and I attended Ella's 2nd birthday party.  Ella is Gina and Dave's daughter.  She is so adorable!  According to Gina, she was so excited to see me (which she calls me Aunt Sandy) when they were heading over to my parent's house to drop off baby furniture earlier in the week.  Of course, she played the typical shy 2 year old until she warmed up again to me and Craig.  She is such a doll!  Later that night, Craig and I went to see the movie, The Clash of the Titans and now Craig gets the idea that he is a demi-God (half man and half God)...fantastic! 

I had brunch with Victoria yesterday at the Wild Orchid in Annapolis which is a fantastic place to eat.  We then headed to Eileen's baby shower.  The baby shower definitely got me warmed up for my own shower!  Seeing all that cute baby stuff was so exciting!  Eileen is now 33 weeks.

Last night, Craig and I enjoyed sushi at Red Parrot (don't worry, mine was not the raw fish!).  It's been awhile since we ate there, and we are trying to get in as much couple time together as we can before this little one arrives and takes over!

Below are pictures of Victoria, Eileen and I at the baby shower as well as a picture of me at 30 weeks.

30 Weeks