Saturday, December 26, 2009

14 Weeks - 2nd Trimester

I feel like I graduated and there should be a big party to celebrate.  Today marks the beginning of my 2nd trimester!  I have exactly 6 more months to reach my due date.  Our baby is due June 26, 2010.  I am just a little over a 1/3 of the way there.  My total weight gain so far this pregnancy is about 5 pounds.

This week's big developments: Our baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee, and possibly suck his/her thumb! Thanks to brain impulses, his facial muscles are getting a workout as his tiny features form one expression after another.  From head to rump, he/she measures about 3 1/2 inches and weighs about 1 1/2 ounces and is compared to the size of a lemon.  He/she is starting to develop an ultra-fine, downy covering of hair, called lanugo, all over his/her body.

This is hilarious!! We had our friends Mike and Eileen over for dinner Tuesday night.  Eileen is also pregnant and we are about 3 1/2 weeks apart.  She's due at the beginning of June.  Well, her husband Mike unfortunately hasn't been able to hear the heartbeat yet since he missed their last prenatal appointment, so I offered to let Eileen try out the Fetal doppler I had.  So while the guys chatted over a beer, Eileen and I went upstairs to get the doppler set up.  I had her lie down in the bed.  Instead of helping her out, I offered to show her how it was done.  So, I got over to the other side of the bed and we both cracked up laughing because while the guys were downstairs we ladies were upstairs in the bed with our shirts up, rubbing lotion on our bellies...yeah, you get the picture!!!  The guys were called up and they both got a kick out of it!  They were both able to hear their baby's heartbeats though.  Such a joyous moment!  I regret not having a picture taken with Eileen, but hopefully we'll get one soon.  It's so much fun being pregnant with someone you know!

Below is a belly pic taken today to mark the 14th week.

14 Weeks