Saturday, December 12, 2009

12 Weeks

Wow, it's hard to believe I'm already 12 weeks along.  Only 2 more weeks left in the 1st trimester!  I'm 1 week further along than where I got to my last pregnancy before the miscarriage, so I'm entering all new territory and excitement now. 

My baby is just over 2 inches in length from crown to rump and is compared to the size of a lime weighing about 1/2 an ounce now.  The baby can soon clench its fists, curl its toes, and make sucking movements with its mouth.  The feet are almost half an inch (1cm) long.  Vocal chords are complete and at times, the baby does cry silently.  The poor thing can feel pain too which probably causes him/her to cry.  The kidneys are starting to excrete urine into its bladder.  If I prod my abdomin, the baby would move in response due to its reflexes it now has although I won't start to feel anything for several weeks yet.  I can't wait to feel those 1st movements!!!

As for how I feel?  I feel plain fat!  I can't wait until I start to pop so I can just feel pregnant instead of fat.  Unfortunately, that might not happen for about another month or so.  But as far as the infamous morning sickness, I've been blessed and I think I might finish the 1st trimester without an ounce of morning sickness.  I've had the occassional heartburn or headache, but that's about all.

Craig and I decided not to find out the sex of the baby until delivery.  As much as we would like to plan for the sex, I think the surprise in the delivery room will make for a much better suspense.  I'll have the rest of its life to dress it in pink or blue!  I think the suspense will want me to push that much harder too so that I can find out the sex in the end!

Below are belly pics from 8, 10, and now 12 weeks.

12 Weeks

10 Weeks

8 Weeks