Tuesday, May 18, 2010

34 Weeks

We are just a little over a month away - 6 more weeks!  Only 3 more weeks until I'm considered full term.  Other than it getting more and more difficult to roll out of bed or off the couch and some pelvic pain here and there, I've had a pretty smooth sailing pregnancy!  I have definitely been blessed in that regard!

On Thursday, I had my 8th prenatal appointment.  I weighed in exactly the same as I did two weeks ago.  I'm still up 29 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight.  I'm hoping not to go over 35 pounds.  My blood pressure read 116/72.  My uterus measured at 33cm - right on track, and the baby's heartrate was right around 150bpm.  The nurse wants me to start doing kick counts and chart how long it takes for the baby to make 10 movements within an hour.  I am supposed to do this at the same time of day every day when the baby is most active... which is usually in the evening shortly after dinner.  If I don't feel any movement within a two hour window, I'm asked to call the office.

Our baby now weighs about 4 3/4 pounds (like your average cantaloupe) and is almost 18 inches long. The fat layers — which will help regulate the baby's body temperature once he/she is born — are filling the baby out, making him/her rounder. The skin is also smoother than ever. The central nervous system is maturing and the lungs are continuing to mature as well. Babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who have no other health problems generally do fine. They may need a short stay in the neonatal nursery and may have a few short-term health issues, but in the long run, they usually do as well as full-term babies.

Friday night, I was rushing to beat Craig to Victoria's house because Craig's work was surprising him with his very own baby shower and I needed to be there before him.  He thought he was going over there for a cookout and to play poker with some of Jason's friends from work (Jason is Victoria's husband).  He even went to the ATM to withdraw some money!  Everyone had a fantastic time.  Craig got some really good gifts including a Glenn Beck onesie!  He loved it!  I regret that I didn't get a picture of the two of us that night, but at least I have some of him.  We even played a few diaper games; one in which he had to taste the baby food!  Needless to say, he did not care for the Green beans or Peas!  But he did think the prunes were quite tastey!

Sunday, I met up with my friend Jenny for lunch at Atlanta Bread Company.  It's always nice to hang out with friends!  Poor Craig slaved all weekend on the yard and opening up our pool for the season.  I love the fact that our pool is back!!!!  Now if only we can get some pool steps so I can get in and out...

Below are a couple pictures of Craig's shower as well as a picture of my belly at 34 Weeks.

34 Weeks

Craig sampling the baby food

Craig determining what type of "chocolate" poop is in the diaper!

Who can chug beer out of a sippy cup faster?

Three dads - left to right - Craig, Jason (Victoria's husband), and Andy (expecting his first baby in June)

Craig having fun opening his gifts