Thursday, May 13, 2010

33 Weeks

(This post is QUITE late...I should have posted this a few days ago!! My 34 week post should come this weekend sometime)

Only 7 more weeks left!  It doesn't feel that long ago that we were only 7 weeks pregnant still waiting for our 1st prenatal appointment.  Time sure does know how to fly!  We received our furniture on Saturday and the baby's room finally feels like a nursery!  It's strange having a crib in our house!  I'm sure the pets still don't quite understand.

This week our baby weighs a little over 4 pounds (heft a pineapple) and has passed the 17-inch mark. The baby is rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and the skeleton is hardening. The bones in the skull aren't fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap, thus making it easier for the baby to fit through the birth canal. (The pressure on the head during birth is so intense that many babies are born with a conehead-like appearance.) These bones don't entirely fuse until early adulthood, so they can grow as his/her brain and other tissue expands during infancy and childhood.

So, this past Monday, Craig and I were put to the test.  Victoria and Jason enjoyed an evening out while Craig and I watched their 15 month old son.  Our first test was when each of us would be able to eat.  After playing with Sam for awhile, I drew the bath water while Craig continued playing.  Then while I gave Sam a bath, Craig ate.  Then once I had Sam all dried off and changed, Craig gave him a nighttime snack and played some more while I ate.  Then we both went upstairs to read some books to him - Craig does so well at that by acting out the characters and having Sam interact with the books!  Sam seemed so content and happy... until it was time to go to sleep... He cried and he screamed.  Either he didn't want to say goodbye to Craig since they were having so much fun bonding, or he really didn't want to go to sleep until he knew his parents were coming back.  Craig and I tried everything from rubbing his back to distracting him with a stuffed animal to rocking him and so on.  I left the room a bit to see if Craig can work his magic and sure enough about 10 minutes later, he got Sam settled into a sleep.  And that was that.  We then had the rest of the evening to sit together on the couch.  Craig watched TV or surfed the internet while I sat there and read my preparation books for our own baby.  Craig and I thought we passed the test and figured we would make great parents, but couldn't imagine doing this day in and day out!  It's a little late for us to get out of it now!

Awhile back, for Christmas, Craig bought a DSLR camera for me and I really want to learn to use it before the baby comes.  I've really only used it as a Point and Shoot camera.  My friend Marcy and I arranged to have private lessons since she wanted to learn more about her camera as well.  On Thurday, we had our first class.  It seemed to go really well and the woman instructing us seemed extremely knowledgable and nice to work with, but when I got home, I was still confused on so much of what I tried to soak in.  So, I brushed up on the internet and read up some more about some cool features.  Hopefully, this weekend I will get a chance to get some practice in.  I know I already want a new lens for the camera though aside from the one that came with the camera.  DSLRs are quite expensive by themselves, but even more so when you want to add all those accessories!

For Mother's Day, I went to church with my parents and my dad took us out to brunch at Bill Bateman's where the "moms" got complimentary Mimosa's.  I had to give mine up to my dad and order plain orange juice.  Craig went golfing in the morning and when I came back home in the afternoon, I went to the nursery to sit in our new glider we have in our nursery.  Craig brought in my Mother's Day gift which totally surprised me.  He splurged on one of the new iPads!!!  I immediately thought how wonderful it would be to use this while either breastfeeding or entertaining the kid.  But of course, Craig and I can play a game of scrabble and not have to worry about setup and pickup.  My parents came over for dinner.  Craig made ribeye steaks and corn on the cobb for dinner and my mom brought over her homemade potato salad.  I made the dessert - Tastefully Simple's Berry Buckle Cake - which everyone LOVED!!  The entire meal was fantastic!  I would have to say,  my 1st Mother's Day was fantastic!

Below is a picture of my belly at 33 weeks.

33 Weeks