Sunday, March 28, 2010

27 Weeks

This is my last week being in my 2nd trimester and I'm still feeling great!  Three more months until my due date!  I've only had a day or two of mild heartburn, a day here and there where I had a really achy stomach and sore back, but for the most part, I can't complain!  I've started taking the dog out for walks again on a regular basis.  Soon, I hope to start walking again with my mom.  Walking is the only exercise I get nowadays.

My mom and I made a trip this past Sunday down to the Buy Buy Baby store, which is in Bethesda.  And, can I say, I fell in love!!!  The store is pretty big and the customer service is exceptional!!  I had a personal consultant walk around the store with us and everyone was so friendly and helpful.  They all seemed very knowledgeable too.  They had a much wider selection I felt on a lot of their items than what Babies R Us carries and I didn't think I would end up registering there, but once there, I couldn't resist.  And I realized they had stuff that Babies R Us didn't have that I wanted.  What I really like also is that you can use your Bed Bath and Beyond coupons at the store too!  They also take competitors coupons I believe too as long as the same product is available at both stores.  I told my mom, that we'll have to make some trips down there when the baby comes!

Tuesday night, I picked Briana up and took her out to dinner at Sascha's in Baltimore for her upcoming birthday!  It was so nice having one on one time with her.  The food was great.  Afterward, we went back to her place to have "birthday cake".  Well, not exactly.  I ordered the Birthday Cake Remix icecream from Coldstone along with another cake batter ice cream and cookie dough...they were sooo good!  We were good though and saved some for later.  I know, I broke my lenten promise, but it was for a very special person and a very special occassion!

I had my 5th prenatal appointment today.  This was the "big appointment" where they check for Gestational Diabetes.  I had to drink a bottle of a fizzy orange drink.  I didn't think it was bad at all.  It sorta reminded me of a Sunkist going flat.  I drank that within a few minutes.  My blood pressure read 107/71 and as far as my weight goes, I was up 3 pounds since my last appointment 4 weeks ago.  My total weight gain so far this pregnancy has been 21 pounds.  I saw my OB for the first time this pregnancy.  Typically, I've been seeing the nurse.  The doctor measured my fundal height (length from the top of my pubic bone to the top of my uterus) which is the first appointment they have done this.  It measured about 26 centimeters which the doctor said is right on track.  The ultrasound from earlier this month checked out great and they can eliminate any cardio problems at 80-85%.  After I saw the doctor, I had to finish waiting until a full hour went by from the time I drank the orange drink and then they took my blood which will be tested for the gestational diabetes and also my TSH levels for my thyroid.  I should have my results back sometime next week.  My next appointment is in three weeks.

Yesterday was a busy day, hence why my blog post is a day late.  I had my hair done, attended Drew's 2nd birthday, and then went up to Frederick for my niece's baptism.
This week, our baby weighs almost 2 pounds (like a head of cauliflower) and is about 14 1/2 inches long with legs extended. He/she's sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing the eyes, and perhaps even sucking on those tiny little fingers. With more brain tissue developing, our baby's brain is very active now. While the lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with a lot of medical help — if he/she were to be born now. Any rythmetic sensation I may be feeling, may be the baby having hiccups, which is common. Each episode usually lasts only a few moments, and they don't bother the baby.
Below are a few pictures of me at 27 weeks, including pictures of Briana and I (26 1/2 weeks) and a picture of me when I returned home from Ava's baptismal celebration.  I wish I had a picture of Craig dressed up because he looked so good that night!  He was dressed in lenten colors which is one of my favorite colors - Purple!

27 Weeks
