Saturday, March 13, 2010

25 Weeks

There are 15 weeks left, which is equivalent to 3 1/2 more months, before we are expected to meet Baby Long.  Can you believe how far we've made it?  It sure is hard for me to believe.

On Thursday, I went to lunch with my brother Chris and my friend, Mel.  Other than the lunch, it's been a pretty uneventful week, which I can't really complain about.  I need to cherish weeks like this, since soon, all of our days will be eventful.

Next week, we are putting some of our tax refund toward some home improvements.  We are getting a larger refrigerator which requires the contractor to change out part of our cabinets in order to allow the new fridge to fit.  A growing family requires a larger refrigerator!  2nd we plan on putting tile in the bathroom that will be the baby's bathroom.  3rd, we are having a ceiling fan with a light fixture installed in the nursery, and 4th, we are changing out our kitchen light and having recess lightting installed as well as a pendant light installed above the sink.  I can't wait to see the results!  We have done so much to this house and are so proud to see all we've done in the last 2 years of living here.  I just wish we took a lot of before pictures when we first moved in!

Head to heels, our baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. The weight — a pound and a half — isn't much more than an average rutabaga, but he/she is beginning to exchange the long, lean look for some baby fat. As the baby does this, the wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and he/she will start to look more and more like a newborn. The baby is also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture.

I can tell when the baby is more in a head down position versus feet down.  I say this because typically I will receive the kicks in either the top of my uterus above my belly button or down on my cervix and bladder.  It's like the baby is doing somersaults in there because he/she changes position throughout the day!

Below are a couple of pictures of me at 25 weeks.

25 Weeks