Saturday, February 6, 2010

20 Weeks - Halfway there!

We have accomplished a major milestone today - we have reached the halfway mark!  June will be here before we know it! 

Our baby weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now and is around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel — the length of a banana. For the first 20 weeks, a baby's legs are curled up against their torso which makes it hard to measure.  Therefore, measurements during this time are taken from the top of his head to his bottom — the "crown to rump" measurement. After 20 weeks, they are measured from head to toe.  Going forward, I will only be stating the "head to toe" measurements.

The baby is swallowing more these days, which is good practice for their digestive system. He/she is also producing meconium, a black, sticky by-product of digestion. This gooey substance will accumulate in their bowels, and we may see it in the first soiled diaper (some babies pass meconium in the womb or during delivery - oh my!).

We were going to order our furniture at Great Beginnings this past Sunday; however, due to the snow the day before, we decided to put it off a week.  So instead, we stayed more local and decided to take a trip to Babies R Us and start our registry.  Craig held up pretty well, quite surprisingly!  We were overwhelmed like any first time parent probably would be, but thanks to my Baby Bargains book (which I call my baby bible), I was more prepared than probably the average first time parent.  And what do you know - as we were walking out of the store, our friends Mike and Eileen were working there way into the store!  And yes, Eileen had her Baby Bargains book too!  It is a fantastic book!  Now that we have been hit with yet ANOTHER snow storm, we will have to wait another week to order our furniture.  Poor Craig - we chose a very snowy winter to be pregnant.  It seems he is shoveling snow every other day!!  And could you imagine - we were originally due a week from now if it weren't for the miscarriage back in July.  How scary would that be having a baby during a storm like this??!!

We had dinner at Mike and Eileen's on Tuesday (which was planned before we made our surprise encounter in front of Babies R Us!).  As you may recall, she is about 3 weeks ahead of me.  She has such a cute little round belly!  Our friends Victoria and Jason were there as well with their 1 year old which gave Eileen and I something to look forward to having one day.  He was such a happy baby and behaved and played so well.  I was truly amazed.  They seem to be such great parents - something I hope Craig and I will turn out to be.

Thursday was the big ultrasound.  They had a nice flat screen monitor on the wall so it was easier for us to watch.  Everything checked out great!  The baby's heart beat was about 148 and the weight was estimated at 10 ounces.  The baby seemed to be a squirmer at times, but managed to allow the doctor to get all of the needed shots.  It was amazing how detailed everything was, especially the ribs and spine!  They were able to determine the sex of the baby during the visit, but we looked away during that portion.  However, the technician did still print us the gender pic and put it in a sealed envelope for me to have as a keepsake.  Whether a boy or a girl, the baby looked precious on the monitor!

Below is a picture of me at 20 weeks along with some ultrasound pictures of the precious baby within!

20 Weeks

Ultrasound pics
Profile picture - soooo sooo cute!  Just look at that button nose!

Face picture - can anyone make this out???  I sure can't!!

"Hi mommy and daddy!" - baby is waving

Full leg and foot picture

Happy feet!