Saturday, January 16, 2010

17 Weeks

Happy 17 weeks to us! Craig and I went out to dinner last night to DuClaw and he has finally told me I am starting to look pregnant and not just plump :) Haha. I will have to say that I can definitely tell I've popped out in the last week or so. When looking down, I see three boobs, not just two. But then I realize, it's my baby bump! Yes, my stomach has officially outgrown my breasts now! My bras don't fit right and they are so unconfortable. I may have to start wearing just sports bras until I'm ready to start wearing maternity bras. I can get away with certain clothes that can "hide" my pregnancy, but people will think I'm just "thick" in the middle, so why not pass as being pregnant and wear my maternity clothes? With that being said, I have officially changed over into my maternity clothes full time.

Every now and then, I can feel the baby moving, but it's not too often, and it's not at specific times; so it is a hit or miss - or should I say a "kick" or miss? But when I do feel it, it's amazing! I have to justify to Craig why my hands are down my pants all the time while we lay to watch TV!! I simply don't want to pass up an opportunity of feeling the little one squirm. I am growing so fond and attached to this little being that I can't wait to meet him or her!! Of course we don't want an early entrance or anything, but boy is the wait hard! I love the baby so much already!!!

Our baby's skeleton is hardening from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord is growing stronger and thicker. The baby weighs about 5 ounces now (about as much as a turnip), and she/he is around 5 inches long from head to bottom. She/he can move all of their joints, and the sweat glands are starting to develop.

They say that dreams are more intense during pregnancy and although I've had a couple baby dreams so far, they haven't been good news, so we will share one that Craig has had last week. Yes, his first baby dream; or at least the first he is willing to share!

I gave birth on a street corner and then we were in the hospital trying to deliver my placenta. There were three nurses and of course one had to be hot since it was Craig's dream! We were all waiting for the doctor to come in. The baby apparently was sitting up on a bookshelf! When our family wanted to know the name, we said we haven't named her yet (yes, it was a girl!). But it was between two names (I am not mentioning them here because they are part of our potential name list), but since in the dream I was insisting on naming the middle name something I would never use anyway, I will let you in on that name. Craig said that I insisted on the middle name "You" for some odd reason.

Hey, we can't exactly control our dreams, can we? I just thought it was hilarious that he is having such vivid, intense dreams too! By the way, if anyone wants to use the name "You" as a first or middle name for their baby, it is off our list and up for grabs.

Below is my 17 week old baby bump along with a picture of Craig and I since I haven't posted an updated picture of us together:

17 Weeks

Craig and I at a dinner gathering in Virginia - 16 weeks